Healing Services

Originating thousands of years ago, the Shamanic tradition is considered by some to be the oldest and most primitive spiritual practice on earth. Forms of Shamanism can be found across the world and the tradition has deep roots in South American cultures. Shamans access and explore non-ordinary reality by entering into a trance state and communicating with the spirit world. Life's difficulties, traumas and ancestral influences can be stored in the body and its' luminous field for a lifetime. This can wear out and damage the body, mind, and spirit in a myriad of ways. By communicating with the spirit world, Shamans can help heal this damage and mend the wounds of the soul. Shamanic healing practices include Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Releasement, Power Animal Retrieval, Sacred Space Creation, and Ritual Ceremonies for Life Transitions and Events.
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Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique to access the subconscious part of the mind in order to alter dysfunctional behaviors and difficult physical states. These techniques aim to guild an individual into a deep state of relaxation of both the body and mind for the purpose of discovery, processing, healing, and reprogramming patterns in the mind for permanent change.
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Reiki is a Japanese word that means "universal vital life force energy" or "spiritually guided primal life energy ". Reiki practitioners have been "attuned" to this energy source and can act as a bridge between the energy and the person receiving it. This energy is healing and balancing and is a natural and beneficial way to create high levels of healing and wellness for one's body, mind and spirit.
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The Emotional Freedom Technique is used to relieve stress and anxiety. This technique is something I can teach you and you will be able to perform it anytime you feel the need to relieve stress.
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